First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
Highland, Indiana

Seeds of Hope Farm & Garden
Seeds of Hope Farm & Garden is a certified USDA Farm and is
a ministry of First Christian Church.
Blessed with bountiful land as well as several green thumbs,
our farming ministry serves the community by providing fresh, healthy produce to those in need.
Between 2018 and 2019, we harvested over 1100 pounds of produce that was donated to Greater Hammond Community Services. Over 750 pounds of produce were harvested and donated in 2020. In 2021, over 1400 pounds were picked, making it a record-breaking year!
Our friends from the Earthling Bee Company in Griffith, IN have added a bee hive on the property to pollenate our produce for a heartier crop! Many thanks to Earthling Bee Co. for helping grow our harvest!
Click on their logo to go directly to the Earthling Bee Co. website.
2024 Work Days are Monday & Thursday
3-5 P.M.

Click on the image for the Film/Documentary for
"The Biggest Little Farm".
Devotion: Galatians 6
Questions to Consider:
!. How does this film show the connectedness of all living things?
2. How does this film speak to the Body of Christ working together as one?
3. In what ways does this film inspire our own farm?
4. In what ways does this film inspire you to dream big, work hard, and work toward the Kingdom of God?